Activity and Context Recognition with Opportunistic Sensor Configurations

Activity Recognition Challenge Dataset Download

  • 10th of November 2011: Challenge dataset with complete labels released.
  • 12th of August 2011: an issue arose in S1-Drill.dat in the 10th of August update. Please download the new version.
  • 10th of August 2011: challenge dataset for task A, B1, B2 has been re-issued! Please download the new version.

Dataset + full labels + no noise (released after the challenge)
 Download dataset with complete label set (157MB)
Dataset + withheld labels (released prior to the challenge)
Download dataset for task A, B1, B2 (113MB)
Download dataset for task C (16.2MB)
Good luck!
Revision history

  • 12.08.2011: corrections to:
    • S1-Drill.dat: there has beena missing sample on the 1st line of the file (115 columns instead of 116). Fixed.
  • 10.08.2011: corrections to:
    • S1-Drill.dat, S2-Drill.dat, S3-Drill.dat: an offset in the alignment of some sensors (column 2 to column 37) has been identified. Thanks to Matteo Giuberti for the feedback.
    • Below: the data of S3-Drill of the RUA^ and RUA_ plotted against each other, in the old dataset and new dataset (right-click then view image to see in full-size). 



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We develop opportunistic activity recognition systems: goal-oriented sensor assemblies spontaneously arise and self-organize to achieve a common activity and context recognition. We develop algorithms and architectures underlying context recognition in opportunistic systems.


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